Saturday, June 23, 2007

We're In!

Well, actually we've been in since Wednesday the 13th. But it took me over a week to get my internet connection back.

Sympatico...ugh. But what do you do? We detested the "service" we'd received from Rogers over the years and would have felt stupid ADDING more services to include internet. So we bundled up with Bell and are giving them the opportunity to treat us like crap. So far, they're making the most of every opportunity. Good for them!

In any event, I recently posted about additional options we were considering for our little "green house". Now that we're in (and have a number of expenses to deal with), a couple more have come to mind.

The first is doing away with unnecessary power use. For instance, there must be a dozen devices (including appliances) in this place that include a digital clock. How many do we really need?

And what the hell is the use of a "stanby" light? To tell me that something is off? I don't need a standy light to tell me, for example, that my sound system is off. Because it's QUIET.

So I'm trying to get in the habit of unplugging those, at least at night. Why would I pay to power those various clocks and what-not while I'm sleeping? I don't need to know what time it is when I'm dreaming about Jessica Biel giving me a sponge bath while feeding me organic grapes.

Or something.

The other is to finally go Bullfrog. I've been considering Bullfrog for some time but since it's a little bit more pricey and we were saving to move, we never pulled the trigger.

Also, I wanted to keep an eye on them to make sure that they were legit. In the past year, I've heard nothing to indicate that they're anything but genuine; quite the opposite.

Finally, I wanted to be certain that they'd be around for the long haul. Since they've recently announced that they're expanding their service to Alberta, I have no reason to question that either.

So once we get our first power bill, assuming our jaws don't hit the floor, I'll suggest to Mrs THIT that we take the leap, as it were (pun intended, though not very good).

Man. I've never looked forward to a power bill before...

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