Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bullfrog Power

Some of you know this already but here's a change Christine and I are looking at making.

I'll plainly admit, and have, when I'm not sure when I'm talking about, but this is something I believe in. If I recall correctly, Christine brought these guys to my attention.

Bullfrog Power is the only electricity retailer in Ontario that buys power exclusively from wind and low-impact hydro generators who meet or exceed the federal government's Environmental Choice Program EcoLogo standard for renewable electricity.

For the moment, I have them on Google alert to see what kind of news they make. If it remains good, we'll probably switch in the spring. Damn it, if it's good enough for the Tragically Hip's Gord Downie, it's good enough for me!

In the meantime, I'm trying to get in the habit of turning off lights when they're not needed. Even more difficult is trying to get Christine to do that. She doesn't read this stuff so don't tell her I said that. ;-)


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